NoVA and DC friends… I will be doing the Sunday message and offering a 2-hour workshop locally on Sunday, April 14, at Unity of Fairfax in Oakton.
For friends not in the area, you can catch both virtually!
The Talk: What happens when we intentionally shift our focus of awareness and spiritual practice from vertical (between me and God) to horizontal (between all of us and God)? Based on my doctoral dissertation research and spiritual practice and teachings, I will share what I learned from studying group consciousness when it is intentionally cultivated. You can catch the talk via Unity of Fairfax's live stream: https://unityoffairfax.org/sundays.
The workshop: Come and experiment with “we” practices in this experiential workshop. I will share several practices for expanding awareness of and presence with other people, some of which I used in my research with groups. The practices will be meditative in nature with some dialogue and will include individual, pair, and group activities. It is a fundraiser for the church, which was my spiritual home for 15 years.
The workshop is presented both in-person and virtually. To register or to learn more, follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/practices-for-shifting-from-me-to-we-registration-862231536737?aff=uofweb